Sunday, October 18, 2015

Monday With Mary / Harvest Time

All around me there are neighbors in the fields bringing in the harvest. It is a time of year that many people love. I am taken with the colors and especially those amber waves of grain (it isn't just song lyrics).  Really, there is so much beauty in a herd of black cattle grazing across a newly combined field of corn. The stark contrast of color is a painter/ photographers dream. I have a photography friend that helped me see this. She photographs huge corn piles and dilapidated sheds. She has taught me to look at the world around me in a different/more observant way.

Checking Mary's calendar journal, I can report a little of the 1981 harvest.

Thursday, October 15

60 degrees and up to 70.  Went to Scranton in a.m. for truck gas & coffee -picked 8 load of corn in p.m. Moved elevator to round crib. Nona helped us today -Went to Scranton for supper. Put 19 load in crib.

Friday, October 16

40 degrees @ 6:30 a.m. up in 60ties & a beautiful day -finished picking corn -picked 14 load yesterday. Nona helped me unload.  Nona, Linda, Cindy & Missy helped us bring the heifers down from N. pasture & boy I'm pooped to-night. 15 load of corn in round crib.

Saturday, October 17

Rained this a.m. Cloudy & miserable all day. 60 degrees at 8 a.m. but started dropping about noon -  wind coming up. Vern went to town in a.m. I went to Carroll for groceries & grease. Sewed in p.m. Short down awhile. Vern watched ball game & slept -went to town for supper. ( BBQ Ribs)

Sunday, October 18
40 degrees at 7:00 a.m. High winds-sun shining
Dale -Dave & Jenni-John & Midge here in p.m. Midge & I drove over to Carroll a little while. Getting colder all day.

Just a couple of additional comments.

"Short" is actually the nickname of a neighbor.
My dad was watching a ballgame!!!!! Unbelievable!!!!

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