Sunday, April 3, 2016

The more I learn....

The more I learn...the less I know. As a life long learner, I have always been aware of the truth in this statement.  This is why 'tweens, teens, and many young people think they know everything. They actually probably do know everything in their little sliver of life. However, the longer one lives, the more one realizes how much there is out there to become aware of let alone learn.  I am now starting to accept the truth of this statement when it comes to genealogy.

I have been to another genealogy learning day.  Saturday I was introduced to how my Legacy database and the Family Search Website can be directly linked.  The presentation was excellent. Just one more avenue which I probably don't have time to go down.  This was a morning special interest group given at a local genealogy library which offers research facilities, classes, and many different  special interest groups.

Because I rode with a friend, I was able to stay for an afternoon session.  This one was the DNA special interest group. I am far behind in the ability to use DNA in my research. But, I am learning. Little by little, I will know more. I have at least been tested as has my husband. Now after I get everything linked in my Legacy database to Family Search, I can start researching DNA. I believe I only need to make contact with about 400 4th cousins or closer on my side and around 200 on my husband's side. How much time could that take?  Then there is the whole question of testing for the Y chromosome. I am considering checking out the kits as Father's Day gifts for my oldest maternal relative and my male double cousin. I have a lot to do.  I am glad I have been working on a few more family stories for Cousins to print soon or my blog might dry up, and I don't want that.

So much to do, so little time. So much to learn....So much fun!!!!!!

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