Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day 2016

I just finished re-reading the post I made for Memorial Day 2015.  Personally, I think it is worth the re-read. I had done some research, learned a few things I didn't know about Memorial Day and related the differences between the Memorial Days of my childhood to the Memorial Day of today.

Memorial Day 2015 (Either link will take you there.)

So, here is Memorial Day again, but with a few changes. For one, on Saturday, we will attend the interment of the ashes of my aunt who passed away last fall. Her three children will be arriving from Oregon, California, and Nevada. I am honored to be able to attend and looking forward to visiting with my cousins whom I rarely see.

This is also be the first Memorial Day that our family will be putting flowers on the grave of my husband's mother.  She had a very consistent ritual of obtaining live flower plants from a nursery,
planting them in containers, taking them to the cemetery to adorn several graves, and most specifically that of her husband who has been gone since 1960.  After a week or so, we would gather those containers and repot them in containers for her to enjoy the rest of the summer. Another of life's rituals is gone.  This year we adorn her grave and remember a life which was full for 97.5 years.

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