Now I have mentioned the valuable research source of our counties' digitized newspapers. has been a great place for me to search for tidbits that might add a little of our ancestors social endeavors or unlock some missing information. This is what I was doing when I came across this snippet.
November 6, 1941
Mrs. Stella Smith and Dale attended the funeral of Edwin Plath Wednesday at Mason City. This young man was 19 years old, and he was killed when he took his gun from the wall and it discharged. He was preparing to shoot a chicken.
He leaves his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plath and four sisters;
Two brothers preceded him in death within the last five years. The deceased was a nephew of Mrs. Smith.
After further exploration, I found two more references to Fred and Carrie Plath in the newspaper. In early March 1945, they attended a family dinner at Stella's home honoring her son, Dale, who was home on leave from the Navy. I was there too, but only about three weeks old. I don't remember much. However, I was considerably older in 1970 when they attended the 50th anniversary party of my grandparents, Nina and Bert Grisso. Again, I don't remember ever hearing of these people. Was I introduced to them? Are they related? If so, how?
I still have those family boxes that belonged to my grandmother's cousin, Viola, that can be searched. I haven't picked them up yet.
Now stay with me here. I am going to appear to segue. I planned that this post would be to finish the children of Hiram and Estella Smith by introducing their oldest child, Nina Lorene, born June 13, 1901. She was my grandmother. I am a bit overwhelmed because as I move down the ancestral family tree the photos, documents and information multiplies. This is both good and bad. I am in a bit of a quandary about how to proceed. So, this morning I took out a box of photos that looked promising for telling grandma Nina's story, and I picked up a photo I had never seen before.
Drum roll, please...............

The back of the photo says Nina Grisso and Carrie Plath.
Who is Carrie Plath?
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