Thursday, May 14, 2015

Useless Information

O.K. it is time for Useless Facts and other Related Information

I attended a genealogy conference this year on my 70th birthday. What a way to spend the day! Probably only those with a similar interest could find this a remotely great way to celebrate the day. I even won the door prize of a free admission to next year's conference. I find that almost spooky! (there were about 250 people there) Anyway, the point...we received a handout by William Dollarhide called "Dollarhides' Genealogy Rules".  I would like to share a few of my favorites. I also hope I have made the correct sourcing credits. I don't want to end up in genealogy jail.

When visiting a funeral home, wear old clothes, no make-up, and look like you have about a week to live.  The funeral director will give you anything you ask for if he thinks you may be a customer soon.

When you contact your home state's vital statistics office and ask if they are "online" and they respond, "on what?" you may have a problem.

Always interview brothers and sisters together in the same room.  Since they can't agree on anything about the family tree, it makes for great fun to see who throws the first punch.

The application for a death certificate you want insists that you provide the maiden name of the deceased's mother, which is exactly what you don't know and is the reason you are trying to get the death certificate in the first place.

Your ancestor will be featured in the county history because he was the first prisoner in the new jail.

The roll of microfilm you need for county research is the only roll in the drawer that was sent out for repair earlier that day.

In spite of MTV, computer games, or skate boards, there is always a chance that your grandchildren will learn how to read someday.
( This one certainly does not apply to my five grandchildren, who are all exceptional readers. Now if I can only get them interested in family history)

A first cousin, once removed, may not return.

And my personal favorite

I'm crazy about genealogy, but not necessarily yours.

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